DtB speaker

Päivi Tahkokallio

Päivi Tahkokallio

Päivi Tahkokallio is the Founder and CEO of Tahkokallio Design+, a strategic design agency operating from the Arctic north in Finland.
With her track record on strategic and social design Päivi has been called the mother of Arctic Design, a design approach to support sustainable development of the Arctic, more topical than ever at the time when Europe has set an objective to become climate neutral by 2050. We know that the Arctic is warming three times faster than the rest of the world, and design is an effective tool for transformation, be it environmental or social.
Päivi is the past President of BEDA, Bureau of the European Design Associations with 51 members in 26 countries in Europe, closing her term at the end of May 2021. As President Päivi was leading the design policy work in Europe, with climate change, digitalisation and values as key topics, especially relevant in BEDA’s input related to the New European Bauhaus initiative, an initiative with a stronger co-design approach than ever before in the European Commission’s history.
Päivi is Advisor to the Board of Ornamo Art and Design Finland, and Fellow of Royal Society of Arts in the UK, FRSA.
