Be aware of your power. Policy Training for Culture & Creative Industry and New European Bauhaus Strategy [en]


Be aware of your power. Policy Training for Culture & Creative Industry and New European Bauhaus Strategy [en]


2 July 2022, 17:30


PPNT Gdynia
Gdynia, al. Zwycięstwa 96/98
Building 3


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reserved spots: 104/300

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PPNT Budynek 3

History was written in 2019, when the European Commission aknowledge the Culture & Creative Industry as on official industry eco system (CCSI).

To get to this point, the European Commission has researched the sector for many years – and came up with surprising results: the return on investment in CCSI is significantly higher than in some tech startups or the mobility industry! Also, design and art seemed to be everywhere – 85% of every sustainbility decision of any product happens in the design stage. However, the creative industry is also highly fragemented, with lots of one-person companies and with very little awarness and training in policy & policitial decision making.

This lecture attemds to plant the seeds – understand the history of CCSI, what’s happening now and where it is going. 

Lecture will be heald in English, translated symultaniously into Polish. 



Lisa Lang

Lisa Lang

Lisa Lang is the Director for EU Affairs & Policy Orchestrator for EIT Climate KIC.Climate-KIC is a knowledge and innovation community established and funded by the EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology in 2010. Our purpose is to tackle climate change through innovation. We are Europe’s largest public-private partnership with this purpose – a growing pan-European co...

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