Be aware of your power. Policy Training for Culture & Creative Industry and New European Bauhaus Strategy [en]
Gdynia, al. Zwycięstwa 96/98
Building 3
reserved spots: 104/300
History was written in 2019, when the European Commission aknowledge the Culture & Creative Industry as on official industry eco system (CCSI).
To get to this point, the European Commission has researched the sector for many years – and came up with surprising results: the return on investment in CCSI is significantly higher than in some tech startups or the mobility industry! Also, design and art seemed to be everywhere – 85% of every sustainbility decision of any product happens in the design stage. However, the creative industry is also highly fragemented, with lots of one-person companies and with very little awarness and training in policy & policitial decision making.
This lecture attemds to plant the seeds – understand the history of CCSI, what’s happening now and where it is going.
Lecture will be heald in English, translated symultaniously into Polish.